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Erin Kennedy

Erin Kennedy

New & Evolving Academic Leaders Program

Colorectal Surgeon, Sinai Health System 
Professor, Department of Surgery and  Institute of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation at the University of Toronto

Dr. Erin Kennedy is a colorectal surgeon at Sinai Health System, and a Professor of Surgery at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto.  She completed her general surgery residency and colorectal fellowship at the University of Toronto and during this time she earned her PhD as part of the Surgical Scientist Training Program.  She is currently the Head, Division of General Surgery at Sinai Health System and the Ontario GI Cancers Lead at Ontario Health-Cancer Care Ontario.  Her primary research interests are quality of care and management of rectal cancer.

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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