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Our Programs

The CFD is committed to creating exceptional programming to meet current and emerging faculty development needs across the health system. We offer a number of programs to develop and enhance participants’ knowledge and skills in health professions teaching, curriculum development, academic leadership, scholarship and advocacy. We have built and developed our core programs based on system needs, and relevancy for academic units within the University of Toronto, Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN) and our broader health professions community.

Need help deciding what program to take? Click here to download our Program Matrix.

Atelier: Collaborative Education Research

This program overviews contemporary topics and common methodologies in health professions education research and role model effective collaboration strategies.

Best Practices in Education Rounds: Integrating Stories & Science

These rounds link the theory and practice of health professions education with invited speakers from local, national and international contexts.

Education Scholars Program

This program is a leadership development program for health professions educators. The program enables participants to be successful in their roles as educators and faculty developers supporting colleagues in their educational work.

Enhancing Teacher Performance

This program seeks to maximize teaching excellence competencies, through guided coaching, customized learning activities, simulated teaching encounters and debriefing, targeted CFD workshops, and curated resources.

New & Evolving Academic Leaders

This program involves participants developing their mindsets and capabilities to successfully lead their division, program, research, education or other academic unit and help enable the success of their academic teams.

Stepping Stones

This program is our foundational program at the CFD.  It provides support to health professionals in their multiple education roles and activities including teaching, scholarship, advocacy and academic leadership.

Teaching for Transformation

This program aims to promote and provide the development of critically reflective/reflexive individuals in relation to their educational roles in health care.

Teaching & Learning in the Clinical Context

This program is designed for supervisors/preceptors from all health disciplines to develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach learners in various clinical contexts.

Course Design Institute

This program introduces frameworks and practical strategies to offer more inclusive, accessible, and flexible learning opportunities to students using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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