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Annual Membership

Become a member of the CFD for exclusive discounts, and special
access to engaging programming and resources around health
professions education.

Annual Membership Plans

CFD membership includes special access to the CFD suite of programming and resources, discounts and many more benefits. Your membership with the CFD will strengthen and foster connection to our faculty development community. Membership runs from September 1 – June 30 (academic year) and must be renewed each year.

Please note that CFD Membership is not the same as a CFD account. Once you have created your CFD account you can sign up separately for annual membership to receive the perks listed below.

*If you are teaching, coaching, or involved with curriculum development for one of our programs during this academic year, you have been automatically enrolled into the Membership under the Faculty Member category. No action is required.

General Members
per member
2 Free Workshops

Late Workshop Cancellation

Discounted Rates on Programs

Live and Archived Rounds

Member Exclusive Events

Membership Mondays

Communities of Practice

CFD Affiliation & Digital Signature

UofT and Unity Health General Members
per member
2 Free Workshops

Late Workshop Cancellation

Discounted Rates on Programs

Live and Archived Rounds

Member Exclusive Events

Membership Mondays

Communities of Practice

CFD Affiliation & Digital Signature

*Membership is FREE for Unity Health Toronto staff, physicians, learners and patient/family partners and Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto staff, faculty (incl. status only) and learners. You must register yourself every year (free of charge) to receive the benefits.   

Institutional Members
per member
2 Free Workshops

Late Workshop Cancellation

Discounted Rates on Programs

Live and Archived Rounds

Member Exclusive Events

Membership Mondays

Communities of Practice

CFD Affiliation & Digital Signature

✓ Consultations with Director Team

✓ Partnership Opportunities for Education Events

Discount on Additional Workshops

Logo Featured on CFD Website

Promote News on CFD Website

For any organization that wishes to purchase a batch of memberships for their team at a discounted rate of $70 per member. Please note we do not offer prorated membership and encourage timely sign up prior to September to maximize full benefits.

Membership FAQs

Looking for information about our Membership options and benefits? Check our Membership Frequently Asked Questions page for more details!

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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