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A Stroll Down the Evidence-Based Medicine Memory Lane

A Stroll Down the Evidence-Based Medicine Memory Lane

In this presentation the speaker will 1) offer a brief historical overview of evidence based medicine (EBM) with a focus on what it means to practice EBM and what role health professions education plays in helping realize EBM’s core aims; 2) explore whether the teaching of EBM needs to change to reflect changes in clinical practice and education since the movement’s inception. The speaker will then offer avenues that may be pursued that encompass a renewed agenda for teaching EBM.

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Evidence based medicine (EBM) has been synonymous to delivery of quality care for over three decades.  Despite EBM’s many attractive features and the significant and growing attention it has received in the contemporary clinical and health professions education literature, how it is defined and operationalized as a component of education of future health care professionals is often unclear and problematic.  If how to practice EBM is not well articulated in the literature, it becomes difficult to teach and equally challenging to assess.

In this presentation the speaker will suggest that clarification on how EBM is defined, operationalized and taught in health professions education are needed if we are to enact EBM’s intended ethos. The speaker will 1) offer a brief historical overview of EBM with a focus on what it means to practice EBM and what role health professions education plays in helping realize EBM’s core aims; 2) explore whether the teaching of EBM needs to change to reflect changes in clinical practice and education since the movement’s inception. The speaker will then offer avenues that may be pursued that encompass a renewed agenda for teaching EBM.


Aliki Thomas, PhD, OT (c), erg., is an Associate Professor in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy and an Associate Member of the Institute of Health Sciences Education, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. She earned a doctorate in educational psychology with a major in instructional psychology and a minor in applied cognitive science. She completed post-doctoral training at McMaster University in knowledge translation for evidence-based practice. Dr. Thomas’ research is guided by the principles of the ‘Scholarship of Practice’ whereby research, education and practice are interwoven and interconnected with the aim of improving the health, function and participation of individuals in our society. Informed by theories from educational psychology, applied cognitive science and implementation science, and using mixed methodological approaches, her research program seeks to understand the developmental trajectory from the classroom, where entry-level EBP competencies are initially acquired, to the real life “messy” clinical practice context where graduates are expected to navigate multiple influences to provide evidence-based and patient-centered care.

Rounds Details

Best Practice in Education Rounds (BPER) are co-hosted by the Centre for Faculty DevelopmentThe Wilson Centre and the Centre for Interprofessional Education.

Our Best Practice in Education Rounds (BPER) are accredited group learning activities as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. They are also accredited group learning activities as defined by the College of Family Physicians and Surgeons.

For more information about BPER, please click here.

Additional Info

Moderator: Lynne Sinclair


A Stroll Down the Evidence-Based Medicine Memory Lane: Implications for Health Professions Education 30 Years After the Movement’s Inception

Event Details

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

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30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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