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Preceptors & Supervisors: Let’s beat burnout by prioritizing yourself and learn about new tools

Preceptors & Supervisors: Let’s beat burnout by prioritizing yourself and learn about new tools

This workshop is part of Education Week at Unity Health. Through this workshop, participants will learn various tools to look after themselves, and overcome burnout.

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This workshop is part of Education Week at Unity Health and open to staff, physicians, learners and volunteers at Unity Health Toronto. 

Working in healthcare teaching settings and embracing the preceptor/supervisor role while rewarding can also not always be easy. During this session you will: 

  1. Learn tools to look after yourself while also engaging in your team and supporting learners. 
  2. Learn about science-backed strategies to overcome burnout. 
  3. Together we will learn and practice the strategies so you can start prioritizing yourself.


Chantal Sinclair has been a Wellness Coordinator for 10 years, including 7 years in healthcare. She received her Bachelor of Science Kinesiology with a minor in Psychology from McMaster University, a postgraduate certificate from Humber College in Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, a diploma in Holistic Nutrition from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and is currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London. Over the years, Chantal has become increasingly interested in strategies to help others increase their happiness, boost resilience and beat burnout. Her goal is to provide tangible tools that you can use to help you feel your happiest and healthiest self.

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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