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About Research & Evaluation

Our centre’s vision of transformative change in learning and discovery environments, across healthcare systems can only be realized if we invest meaningfully in research and evaluation.

We believe that championing evolution toward higher quality, more equitable systems of health professions education, and faculty development, requires bold research and evaluation agendas that will:

  • Develop high quality mechanisms for generating and acting upon evaluative data;
  • Explore challenging and provocative questions about the status quo in educational and evaluation practices;
  • Scrutinize the efficacy, impact and sustainability of curricular design and implementation practices; and,
  • Illuminate how to centralize equity and promote social accountability.

We are proud to embrace these principles in both our research agenda and evaluation strategy.

Our Research Themes

There are four primary themes for our research including (i) ethics, and social accountability in evaluation systems, (ii) competence and compassion in faculty development, (iii) curricular integration of diverse educational paradigms, and (iv) integrity and methodological advancement in education scholarship.

Our Evaluation Strategy

When you participate in our evaluation activities, you lend your voice in ways that help us be more responsive to community, faculty, and learner needs. Our multi-faceted evaluation strategy explores broad individual- and organizational-level questions, is dedicated to transparency, credibility, equity, authenticity, and the advancement of knowledge about educational interventions.

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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