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CFD Complaints and Concerns Policy

Complaints and Concerns Policy

We recognize while we seek to constantly evolve our structure towards more inclusive and equitable goals, there are occasions where we could fall short and perpetuate harms of systemic oppression through our programing or other interactions with the Centre.  We developed this Complaints & Concerns Policy and Process in consultation with the Office of Inclusion and Diversity at Temerty School of Medicine.  You can use the Disclosure Form below, and optionally enter any identifying information about yourself.

These Disclosure Forms are confidential online tools that our broad CFD community can use to provide information regarding any behaviour experienced or witnessed that is perceived or suspected to be mistreatment. You have the option to submit this form anonymously (i.e. without the requirement that you provide your identity), with the understanding that doing so may make it more difficult for us to follow up with you to make sure you get support, to ensure that we have all the necessary details, and to report back to you regarding the status of your disclosure or its outcomes. It may also limit our ability to take action on the matter in certain cases. Note that you can submit an identified disclosure and tell us not to escalate the matter until we speak with you first and help you to understand all your options, including how we can protect your confidentiality.

These forms are NOT FOR EMERGENCIES. If you are concerned about impending harm to yourself or others you should call 911 or seek immediate assistance from onsite security or other authorities. You should submit a form only after safety is ensured.

If your concern relates to an experience you have had or witnessed as a participant in CFD programming or in interacting with CFD staff, we ask that you choose the option to contact CFD Leadership which is comprised of:

You may contact either of them directly, or use the form below, which allows for anonymity if preferred. All form submissions are sent to the full leadership team.  This process is in place to allow for transparency and anonymity as needed.  You will receive a response within 15 business days.

If your concern relates to an experience you have had regarding the CFD leadership team and therefore want to direct elsewhere, please select the option to send your form to the Chair of the CFD Governance Committee and it will not be seen by CFD leadership team. You will receive a response within 15 business days.

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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