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Michal Kasprzak

Michal Kasprzak

Michal Kasprzak smiles at the camera holding a coffee mug. He has grey hair, a beard and wears glasses. He is wearing a checkered shirt.

Mike has over 20 years of experience in Higher Education, working as an educational developer, instructional designer and teacher. Currently, he is Assistant Director at the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation for the Teaching Assistants' Training Program. He works closely with graduate students and faculty exploring a range of teaching-related issues such as teaching presence in online learning, intersection of UDL and decolonization, leadership in educational development, students as partners, and accessibility.

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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