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Victoria Boyd

Victoria Boyd

Research Fellow, Wilson Centre
PhD student, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Victoria Boyd is a PhD Candidate in the Health Professions Education Research (HPER) concentration at IHPME, University of Toronto and Fellow at the Wilson Centre, UHN. Victoria aims to advance our understanding of dialogic approaches to education in the health professions. Dialogue may represent a possible antidote to the division of our times. Victoria’s doctoral research has demonstrated the powerful impacts of dialogic teaching and learning on students’ ability to practice in critically reflective ways. She also has many complex and nuanced questions for the field of HPE as it continues to grow in relation to a complex and changing society.


Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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