Heather MacNeill
Heather MacNeill, MD BSc(PT) MScCH(HPTE) FRCPC, is an Associate Professor and Faculty Lead, Educational Technologies, Continuing Professional Development in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. She has been teaching about, creating, and researching the effect of educational technologies in healthcare for over a decade, and together with Kataryna Nemethy, co-instructs a masters and certificate course on educational technologies for health professions education at University of Toronto. Together with Tamara Carver, she is Digital Co-lead for EDIA stream, Team Primary Care in Canada and as a practicing academic PM&R physician has received several awards for her teaching and research with educational technologies. She is first author of the AMEE Guide to Online Learning, Part 1, and senior author for Part 2 and its accompanying website. ORCID: 0000-0001-9842-3578.