The advocacy section provides resources focused on advocacy for the self and system. We include many resources that cover core concepts of Anti-Oppression, Accessibility, Wellness, Professional Values, and Safety. We also include a number of resources to help you understand the ways in which these core concepts show up in the world in and in our workplaces and resources that help you take action at personal, interpersonal, institutional and societal levels. We acknowledge that the resources included in this section invite a multiplicity of perspectives, viewpoints, and may at times use language and terminology that could be triggering for some or conflicting. Furthermore, many of our Advocacy related resources are more typically explored in the context of programming, where facilitated conversations can transpire and explore the complexity of these concepts. As we consider the limitations of the static online environment for this dialogue, we encourage you to consider your own wellness and needs as you engage with the resources. You may consider who in your communities you may be able to connect with, to evoke deeper reflexivity and to engage necessary supports. See our partner offices in the menu on the right.
Considering our organizational context, we first encourage engagement with the following reports that situate the position, commitments and actions of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine:
- Answering the Call; Wecheehetowin; Final Report of the Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force
- Black at Temerty Medicine: Addressing Anti-Black Racism at Temerty Medicine; Accountability Report
- Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Semitism Working Group
- *New reports to guide our collective work, such as one on Islamophobia, are forthcoming.
There is a need for meaningful action across all dimensions of our work, including individual learning, organizational and system structures and expectations, and the norms, beliefs and values that make up everyday culture. The interconnections and interdependencies across these dimensions is illustrated in the graphic below.
The sub-category buttons above can be used to help you refine your search.
Graphic developed by Dr. Lynn Wilson (Vice Dean, Clinical and Faculty Affairs), Dr. Pier Bryden (Senior Advisor, Clinical Affairs & Professional Values), Dr. Julie Maggi (Director, Faculty Wellness) and graphic designer Mark Bennett.
Accessibility Services
University of Toronto
Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office
University of Toronto
Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health
Women’s College Hospital
Faculty Wellness
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Office of Inclusion and Diversity
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Office of Indigenous Health
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Office of Learner Affairs
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Professional Values
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Advocacy in the healthcare system is a priority for the CFD. We have included a number of resources here to help everyone learn more about anti-oppression, accessibility, representation, and more. Use the category buttons above to refine your search.
Advocacy Resources
WebAIM Articles
WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) provides comprehensive web accessibility solutions. Explore articles about web accessibility as it intersects with a variety of topics.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Accessibility
Source | Web Accessibility In Mind |
Educator’s Accessibility Toolkit
These resources are designed to provide broad support to educators in creating accessible learning environments for students.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Accessibility
Source | The Council of Ontario Universities |
The “Unfit” In Canada: A History Of Disability Rights And Justice
This timeline attempts to delineate key events around institutionalization, deinstitutionalization, community/independent living, disability rights and disability justice, as they took place in Canada and the United States since the 1800s.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Disability Justice Network of Ontario |
Information for Faculty and Academic Staff on Effective Accommodations for Placements, and Practicums
For some students, the demands of a clinical environment reveal unexpected disability-related issues that might not have required accommodations in the past.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Accessibility
Source | The Tri-Campus Accessibility Offices, University of Toronto |
Demystifying Academic Accommodations
This document has been created to provide instructors with information about accommodating students with disabilities.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Accessibility
Source | The Office for Students with Disabilities (The OFSD), University of Toronto |
Universal Design for Learning
Framework and resources to change the design of the learning environment rather than change the learner.
- Website
- Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- Accessibility
Source | Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation, University of Toronto |
Accessible, Inclusive and Anti-Oppressive Pedagogies
Resources that support equitable, inclusive, accessible teaching and learning.
- Website
- Teaching
- Classroom Teaching
- Accessibility
Source | Teaching Assistants' Training Program, University of Toronto |
Avoiding Ableist Language
Serves as a reference for linguistic microaggressions and everyday, casual ableism.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Accessibility
- Anti-Ableism
Source | Augsburg University |
Seven-Step Framework for Critical Analysis and Its Application in the Field of Physical Therapy
Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing The Ally Industrial Complex
The Anatomy Of An Apology
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Rania El Mugammar |
More Than Pronouns: A Dialogue on Trans-Inclusion in the Workplace
Navigating a career can feel complicated or confusing. For trans and nonbinary people, there can be additional barriers in place which make the process even more complex.
- Video
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Sexual & Gender Diversity Office, University of Toronto |
The coin model of privilege and critical allyship: implications for health
In this conceptualization of health inequity, we have limited the potential for disruptive action to end these enduring patterns.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Critical Allyship
Source | Stephanie A. Nixon, BMC Public Health 19, 1637 (2019). |
Guide to Allyship
An open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Allyship
Source | Amélie Lamont |
Unconscious Bias Education
These modules provide an introduction to unconscious bias, how it manifests in typical processes and procedures, and how academic units might adopt more inclusive practices by considering these dynamics.
- Course
- Advocacy
- Anti-Racism
Source | University of Toronto |
The “Problem” Woman of Colour in the Workplace
Health Care Toward Liberation
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Briar Patch Magazine |
Analysis Tools
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Dismantling Racism |
Being Antiracist
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | National Museum of African American History & Culture |
Racial Equity Principles
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | White Supremacy Culture |
“White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” and “Some Notes for Facilitators”
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | The National SEED Project |
White Supremacy Culture
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | White Supremacy Culture |
Anti-Black Racism Reading List
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | University of Toronto Libraries |
The Urgency of Intersectionality
- Video
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | TED |
What Does It Mean To Be Antiracist?
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Anneliese A. Singh |
Dismantling Racism Works Web Workbook
- Website
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Dismantling Racism |
Aamer Rahman (Fear Of A Brown Planet) – Reverse Racism
- Video
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Aamer Rahman |
Black at Temerty Medicine: Addressing Anti-Black Racism at Temerty Medicine
This report provides an accounting of current and future actions to address and dismantle anti-Black racism at Temerty Medicine, with a particular focus on the MD Program and Postgraduate Medical Education.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto at Unity Health Toronto |
Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Semitism Working Group
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Anti-Semitism
Source | University of Toronto Anti-Semitism Working Group |
Anti-Semitism Education
This video charts the history of antisemitism from its origins until today. It tackles the hard questions about different and changing forms of antisemitism, persistent anti-Jewish stereotypes, the complex racial position of Jews in contemporary America, and the precise line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism.
- Video
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Anti-Semitism
Source | YouTube, Written By: Adam Naftalin-Kelman, Ethan Katz, Steven Davidoff Solomon Produced By: Sarah Lefton Animated By: Jenny Anderson |
Inclusion in the clinical learning environment
This article explores how inclusion, diversity and equity should be defined and operationalized within medical education.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Equity Inclusion and Justice
Source | Saleem Razack and Ingrid Philibert, Medical Teacher 2019, Vol. 41, No. 4, 380-384 |
No One Size Fits All: A Qualitative Study of Clerkship Medical Students’ Perceptions of Ideal Supervisor Responses to Microaggressions
This study explores medical students’ perspectives on the key features of ideal supervisor responses to microaggressions targeting clerkship medical students.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Equity
- Inclusion and Justice
Source | Justin L. Bullock, MD, MPH, Meghan T. O’Brien, MD, MBE, Prabhjot K. Minhas, Alicia Fernandez, MD, Katherine L. Lupton, MD, and Karen E. Hauer, MD, PhD |
The Problem With That Equity Vs. Equality Graphic You’re Using
Liberation Health Convergence
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Liberation Health Convergence |
What is Intersectionality?
- Video
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Peter Hopkins |
Structural Competency: New Medicine For Inequalities That Are Making Us Sick
- Website
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Structural Competency |
The Problem With That Equity Vs. Equality Graphic You’re Using
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Cultural Organizing |
Culture, Equity, and Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice
This guide outlines specific expectations for how occupational therapists (OTs) can provide services that are culturally safer while upholding the human rights of all clients and the people that OTs work with. These expectations apply to all OTs. Those in macro-level roles, such as leading and teaching, will be especially influential in actioning this work.
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Health Professions
Source | College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario |
Equity and Inclusion Glossary of Terms
- Guide
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Equity and Inclusion Office, University of British Columbia |
Is there a way for clinical teachers to assist struggling learners?
This review provides an outline of practical recommendations regarding the supervision and management of struggling learners up to the remediation phase.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Learner Mistreatment
Source | Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2017:8 89–97 |
Interventions for medical learners with academic difficulties
This review provides a repertoire of literature-based interventions for teaching/learning, faculty development, and research purposes.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Learner Mistreatment
Source | BEME |
Learner Mistreatment Information and Resources
This website offers guidelines, resources, information and ways to report Learner Mistreatment.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Learner Mistreatment
Source | University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine |
Addressing Mistreatment in the Moment
Introduces Unity Health's CARE Framework to guide responses to microaggressions and mistreatment in the moment.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Learner Mistreatment
Source | Unity Health |
TAHSNe Learner Mistreatment Guide
This website offers a collection of documents and resources related to Learner Mistreatment.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Learner Mistreatment
Source | TASHN |
The Micropedia
Learn more about microaggressions and their impact.
- Website
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
- Microaggressions
Source | The Micropedia |
6 steps to writing and sharing a land acknowledgement
6 steps to writing and sharing a land acknowledgement
This article outlines 6 steps to follow when writing and sharing a land acknowledgement.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Truth
- Reconciliation and Decolonialism
Source | Jen Bokoff |
Bringing Reconciliation to Healthcare in Canada
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Health-Related Recommendations
Decolonization is Not a Metaphor
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Eve Tuck |
First Peoples, Second Class Treatment
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | Wellesley Institute |
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Health-Related Recommendations
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | HealthcareCAN |
Bringing Reconciliation to Healthcare in Canada
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | HealthcareCAN |
Indigenous Canada
- Course
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | University of Alberta |
Physician Wellness
Explore articles related to physician health and wellness.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Wellness
Source | CMPA |
How to Manage Your Inbox and Outbox
Tips, dos and don'ts for managing your inbox and outbox.
- Infographic/Image
- Advocacy
- Wellness
Source | Postgraduate Medical Education, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto |
Generative Somatics Podcast: Trauma, Healing & Collective Power
This article explores the concept of self-care as it relates to equity work.
- Article
- Advocacy
- Anti-Oppression
Source | National Museum of African American History & Culture |
Grounding Excercise (5-4-3-2-1)
Learn about a simple strategy you can practice today to help when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. By using your five senses, you will be able to increase your awareness of your environment and, in the process, regulate both your emotional and physical reactions.
- Video
- Advocacy
- Wellness
Source | Postgraduate Medical Education, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto |
Gratitude versus Comparison
This video explores the difference between practicing gratitude and comparing oneself to others.
- Video
- Advocacy
- Wellness
Source | Postgraduate Medical Education, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto |