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Access and Inclusion Bursary

Access and Inclusion Bursary

We have established this Bursary to enhance financial support, recognizing that funding access varies across health professions and institutions. This bursary is supported through investment by the CFD, financial gifts, and through contributions of our institutional members.

How does it work?

Our available funds for this Bursary vary from year to year, and therefore the number of bursaries we can award will vary with each academic year.  For the 2025-26 year, we are able to offer the following number of Bursary awards at 50% of the lowest available tuition rate.



Bursary Awards Available

Bursary Application Deadline

Participants notified of Bursary status

Stepping Stones  

Our 2025-2026 general bursary application has closed for foundational programs. However, if you are a Senior Trainee or Fellow applying to TLC or Stepping Stones and need funding support, please email with the following information: name, program you wish to enroll in, your current academic program, and projected graduation date.


Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Context (TLC)
Education Scholars Program (ESP) 3 May 15, 2025 Participants notified in mid-June
New & Evolving Academic Leaders (NEAL) 2 May 15, 2025 Participants notified in mid-June


Please note:

  • Partnered programs with other institutions are not included at this time.
  • This table will be updated at the beginning of each program recruitment cycle (typically late fall) to help inform decision-making for potential participants. Notification of receipt of Bursary will come out as indicated in the table above.


The CFD Education Development Lead, Access and Inclusion, will receive applications then blind the identifying information for any further review and/or management of information.  Applicants will be verified as meeting the basic criteria, and then a lottery of all eligible applicants will be drawn for the awarding of the Bursary per program. Bursary applications will be reviewed separately from the program applications, and application to the Bursary will not be known to or impact decisions by acceptance committees for any programs.


Notifications of Bursary receipt will go out per the table above, and timelines are based on the application process/timing for each program.  The overall goal is to ensure that participants know their Bursary status prior to making final decisions about their participation in the program.  Bursary awards will be directly applied to tuition, and you will be invoiced or have a balance owing of a discounted tuition (no funds will flow out to participants).  These funds cannot be applied to  another CFD program or deferred to or a program cohort starting outside the 2025-2026 year.


To apply for the Bursary, please click here.

Other potential funding sources

In service of trying to close gaps in funding access, please seek funding from your department, institutions, professional associations, etc. prior to applying to Bursary funds – collectively working towards this will help make more diverse participation possible.  Below is a list of some funding avenues we are aware of, and we would appreciate your sharing others with us to include in this list:


Patient and Family Partners – if you need support beyond this Bursary, please contact Lindsay Baker at

Upcoming Events

  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding__Workshop_Card_Blank.png
    This workshop provides participants with the opportunity to both explore wellness tensions and identify ways to address them. Participants identify where tensions exist for their own roles that impact wellbeing and discuss approaches to ‘navigating’ these tensions.
    • Stepping Stones
    • Workshop
    • loc_virtual
    Start 09:00 am EDT
    End 12:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online
  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding_BPER_Card.png
    How will AI transform what it means to be an expert healthcare professional? Join the conversation to explore how health professions educators can prepare the next generation for a world where expertise extends across human-AI partnerships, and where effective patient care emerges from the thoughtful orchestration of both human and artificial intelligence.
    • Rounds
    • loc_virtual
    • BPER
    • Partnered Program
    Start 12:00 pm EDT
    End 01:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online
  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding__Workshop_Card_Blank.png
    This workshop provides an overview of the content and structure of an effective teaching dossier. It provides participants with the opportunity to develop a plan for assembling and strengthening their own dossiers. They will also be led through the first steps of composing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy.
    • Stepping Stones
    • Workshop
    • loc_virtual
    Start 01:00 pm EDT
    End 04:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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