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  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding__Workshop_Card_Blank.png
    This workshop introduces participants to six paradigms of education relevant and prevalent in HPE. Participants are provided with an overview of each paradigm, how they are related to common education practices in HPE and how awareness of paradigmatic details and differences support aligned teaching/assessment approaches.
    • Stepping Stones
    • Workshop
    • loc_virtual
    Start 09:00 am EDT
    End 12:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online
  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding_BPER_Card.png
    In this presentation, we'll discuss the what, why, and where of humility through a brief history of the concept and how it relates specifically to healthcare and health professions education.
    • Rounds
    • loc_virtual
    • BPER
    Start 12:00 pm EDT
    End 01:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online
  • CFD13-%20CFDLogo_SubBranding__Workshop_Card_Blank.png
    This interactive and reflective workshop helps participants identify and name the power structures in which they operate. We will unpack and demystify key concepts often placed under the “EDI” umbrella, while regularly reflecting and dialoguing about how power underpins all of these concepts.
    • Stepping Stones
    • Workshop
    • loc_virtual
    Start 09:00 am EDT
    End 12:00 pm EDT
    Delivery Online

Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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