Ivan Silver
Enhancing Teacher Performance (ETP) Program, Stepping Stones Program, Education Scholars Program, New & Evolving Academic Leaders Program
Staff Psychiatrist, Geriatric Division, CAMH
Ivan has had a career long interest in faculty development and professional development particularly the development of our next generation of health professional teachers and supervisors and enhancing the learning of clinicians in practice.He is an award winning teacher, leadership and teaching coach and medical educator. Ivan is a Geriatric Psychiatrist at CAMH and a full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry.
Ivan was the inaugural director of the Centre for Faculty Development (2002-2009), the Vice-Dean of CPD at the University of Toronto (2005-2011) and the inaugural VP of Education at CAMH (2012-2018). He has published widely in the areas of faculty development and continuing professional development. He is continuing his scholarship in the areas of feedback, coaching, life-long learning and more recently late-career transitioning. He is enthralled by the beauty of nature, art, world music and making a difference in people’s lives. He believes in the power of butterfly wings.