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Developing and Getting the Most out of you Teaching Dossier

Developing and Getting the Most out of you Teaching Dossier

This workshop provides an overview of the content and structure of an effective teaching dossier. It provides participants with the opportunity to develop a plan for assembling and strengthening their own dossiers. They will also be led through the first steps of composing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy.

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At the University of Toronto, teaching dossiers are submitted as part of the process for performance review, promotion and tenure review or continuing status review. 

This session will provide an overview of the content and structure of an effective teaching dossier, with an emphasis on how to align this document with divisional and institutional expectations. 

Session participants will review the distinctive qualities of a teaching dossier, and will develop a plan for assembling and strengthening their own dossiers. They will also be led through the first steps of composing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy.


Developing and Getting the Most out of your Teaching Dossier

Event Details

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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