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Membership Mondays – Demystifying Accreditation

Membership Mondays - Demystifying Accreditation

This virtual community event is for CFD members to come together to during a lunch and learn to discuss emerging curiosities, questions and tensions within health professions education on the topic of the month.

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We know that accreditation and certification is an important part of our health professions education universe, but often there is confusion about how the educational offerings we are developing for our community fits with the requirements.  This session seeks to explore the ethos of Continuing Professional Development accreditation, clarify common questions, and as a community help us all work towards our common goals of providing quality education throughout the system.  Morag Paton, Associate Director, Maintenance of Certification and Education Consultation Services, will engage in an informal dialogue with our Member community to explore tensions and common questions.

If you have any questions or curiosities about accreditation you want to see addressed, please let us know here

Community Details

For more information about the Membership Mondays Community, visit the community page.

To learn more about CFD membership, click here.


Morag Paton

Morag is a higher and health professions education professional with a background in higher education, health professions education, administration, and CPD scholarship. She holds a Masters in Health Professions Education and a PhD in Higher Education, both from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Dr. Paton is an active member of the academic community, collaborating with colleagues across various disciplines to enhance the quality and impact of health professions education. She is the Associate Director, Maintenance of Certification & Education Consultation Services in Continuing Professional Development in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. She is a Scholar at the Wilson Centre (University Health Network and Temerty Faculty of Medicine, Toronto, ON) and an Investigator at the Equity in Health Systems Lab (Bruyère Health, Ottawa, ON).

Event Details

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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