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An Introduction To Academic Leadership

An Introduction To Academic Leadership

This workshop engages participants to reflect on their own existing leadership abilities and approaches and helps identify potential gaps in their skills and experience. We will work on developing action plans to help participants further develop as leaders.

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This is an introductory workshop for health professionals who either are contemplating leadership activities in their future or are already engaged in leadership positions that are smaller in scope or at a junior level. 

The workshop will explore different concepts and models of leadership, drawing from the existing literature.

We will discuss the benefits and possible reasons why participants might include a leadership role in their career portfolio.  Participants will engage in exercises to share and reflect on their own existing leadership abilities and approaches, as well as identify potential gaps in their skills and experience.  On this basis, participants will then work on developing action plans to help them further develop as leaders, including identifying appropriate resources and supports.

Participants who have already taken more extensive leadership courses/programs or are already in more senior leadership roles may find they have already covered this workshop’s material. Due to time constraints and focus, this workshop will not cover in detail specific skills and strategies used in leadership (e.g., negotiation skills, running meetings effectively).

Program Details

For more information about the Stepping Stones Program please click here.

Relevant Resources

Click here to see resources related to: Academic Leadership

Event Details

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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