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Introduction to Programmatic Assessment

Introduction to Programmatic Assessment

Participants wishing to advance their knowledge of best practices in assessment in the age of competency-based education and to understand how to align their education activities with overall structural changes to UG and PG may wish to take this workshop.

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This workshop is for educators who are new to the concept of programmatic assessment and would like to implement it at a session, course, or program level, understand their roles as assessors in programmatic assessment in UG and PGME, and understand the strengths and limitations of this approach. The workshop will take as its examples the recent changes to MD and PGME training at U of T and discuss the rationales (theory and evidence), structures, and outcomes of implementation.

Participants wishing to advance their knowledge of best practices in assessment in the age of competency-based education and to understand how to align their education activities with overall structural changes to UG and PG may wish to take this workshop.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to identify the core principles and practices of programmatic assessment at each level of the curriculum, identify opportunities to incorporate the theory and practice into their educational activities, and discuss the strengths and limits of programmatic assessment.

Event Details

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Centre for Faculty Development
Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital
209 Victoria Street, 4th floor

Mailing Address:
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8


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